What were you like as a child? Serious; responsible? Happy…go…lucky? Sweet…natured? Hyperactive? A playground bully? Or a timid creature clinging to your mother’s skirt?
I spent my childhood as a fly on the wall: looking; listening; taking in impressions of the world around me。 Some were awesome; reassuring: warmth and kindness; glimpses of pure joy; others worrying; confounding: falsehood and pretensions; spite; aggression and scorn。
Uncertain what to make of it all; I kept my observations and reflections strictly to myself。
Today I’m still the same fly on the wall; though somewhat less bemused; having taken on board some vital lessons of sympathy and passion; tolerance and forgiveness。
Also; over the years I have acquired enough confidence to articulate my thoughts and; at length; summoned the courage to share them this way。
We’re tempted to change as we grow older; in response to adult pressures: roles we are expected to perform; personally; professionally; standards set by our contemporaries; not forgetting the natural urge to develop and mature。
But our basic disposition remains the same。 And rather than distance ourselves from what we were as children; we should take good care of our original equipment。
As long as it’s put to good use; there will always be room for it in the adult world。
Early memories can be deceptive; in that they are usually quite appealing。 As if; in the whole range of emotions experienced by a young child; pleasure is the main one to register。
This innocent; infantile inclination to acknowledge only the positive may be a protective mechanism designed to build up our morale as a bulwark against difficulties ahead。
Or else these impressions are part of a myth created by ourselves; saying more about us than about our childhood。
Even so – they have to emanate from somewhere。
I recall – or believe that I recall – lying in my pram; being wheeled through a forest; watching high above the sun…lit tops of giant fir…trees standing out deep green against a clear blue sky dotted with cotton…wool clouds。 Birds are singing; brooks are babbling; the air has the fresh tang of earth and conifers。
Closer to; my mother’s face: her eyes sad; lost in the distance。 I call out to her; and she smiles。 I smile back。 Now we are both happy。
And I have a cosy recollection of her in middle of the night; ing to lift me out of my cot; taking me to her bed; where we curl up together。 I go back to sleep in her soft warm embrace; clutched by her like a teddy bear。
Giving fort; though I know nothing about grief; have no way of prehending the meaning of despair。
“But I had a happy childhood!” protested the man; to whom I’d tactfully suggested that his chronic health problems might be somehow related to the traumas I knew had overshadowed his early years。
We were close enough for me to gently challenge his assertion: “But with your mother dying so early… And not having a father…That must have been difficult。”
Childhood 童年(3)
“Oh I don’t know… I was lucky to have an aunt who took me in。 That was a lovely place。 She was very good to me。”
“Well her husband wasn’t。 I’ve been told that he used to e home drunk and beat both you and her。”
“These things happen。 And I was only there for three years。 Until my aunt had her breakdown and I was taken into care。”
“So how did that feel? Ending up in a home with no one in the world to turn to?”
“By then I was old enough to manage。 The brothers there were nice enough。 Some of them; anyhow。”
I left it at that; made no mention of the members of the order who had been sent to jail for interfering with children in their care。 I accepted that I had no right to force the wall of denial that only the man himself could decide to demolish。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...