


〃He is one Yang Ling; a cousin of Yang Fu。 Being neighboring counties; we are very good friends。〃

〃I wish to trouble you to persuade him to capture Xiahou Mao。 Can you?〃

〃If you; O Prime Minister; order me to do this; I would ask you to withdraw your troops and let me go into the city to speak with him。〃

Zhuge Liang consented and ordered the besiegers to draw off seven miles and camp。 Cui Liang himself went to the city and hailed the gate。 He entered and went forthwith to his friends residence。 As soon as he had finished the salutations; he related what had happened。

〃After the kindness we have received from Wei; we cannot be traitors;〃 said Yang Ling。 〃But we will meet ruse with ruse。〃

He led Cui Liang to the mander…in…Chief and told the whole story。

〃What ruse do you propose?〃 asked Xiahou Mao。

〃Let us pretend to offer the city; and let the army of Shu in。 Once they are in; we can massacre them。〃

Xiahou Mao agreed to plot the scheme。

Cui Liang went back to Zhuge Liangs camp; where he said; 〃Yang Ling wants to offer the Prime Minister the city。 He also wants to capture Xiahou Mao; but he is so afraid of having few soldiers that he has made no hasty move。〃

〃That is simple enough;〃 replied Zhuge Liang。 〃Your hundred troops are here。 We can mix with them some of my generals dressed as your officers and so let them get into the city。 They can hide in Xiahou Maos dwelling and arrange with Yang Ling to open the gates in the night。 And my grand army will e in to make the capture for you。〃

Cui Liang thought within himself; 〃If I do not take the Shu generals; they will arouse suspicion。 I would rather take them and will kill them as soon as they get within the walls。 Then; I will give the signal and beguile Zhuge Liang to enter; and so dispose of him。〃

So Cui Liang consented to Zhuge Liangs proposal。

Zhuge Liang gave him instructions; saying; 〃I will send my trusty Guan Xing and Zhang Bao with you。 You will pass them off as the rescuers just to set Xiahou Maos mind at rest。 But when you raise a fire; I shall take that as my signal and e in。〃

At dusk the two trusty generals; having received their secret orders; put on their armor; mounted; took their weapons; and got in among the Anding troops。 Cui Liang led the small force to the gate。 Yang Ling was on the wall。 The drawbridge was hoisted。 He leaned over the guard rail and scanned those below。

〃Who are you?〃 asked he。

〃We are rescuers from Anding。〃

Now Cui Liang shot an arrow over the wall; to which a secret letter was bound; saying:

〃Zhuge Liang is sending two generals into the city that they may help him to get in; but do nothing till we get inside lest the ruse gets known and the game be spoiled。〃

Yang Ling went to show this letter to Xiahou Mao; who said; 〃Then Zhuge Liang is going to be our victim。 Put a pany of ax and bill men in the palace; and as soon as these two generals get inside; shut the gates and fall on。 Then give the signal。 As soon as Zhuge Liang gets inside the gate; seize him。〃

All arrangements being made; Yang Ling went back to the wall and said; 〃Since you are Anding troops; you may be allowed in。〃

The gate was thrown open and; while Guan Xing followed close after Cui Liang; Zhang Bao was a little way behind。 Yang Ling came down to the gate to wele them。 As soon as Guan Xing got near; he lifted his sword and smote Yang Ling; who fell headless。 Cui Liang was startled and lashed his steed to flee。

But Zhang Bao rushed forth and cried; 〃Scoundrel! Did you think your vile plot would be hidden from the eyes of our Prime Minister?〃

With that Cui Liang fell from a spear thrust of Zhang Bao。 Then Guan Xing went up on the wall and lit the fire。 Soon the army of Shu filled the city。 Xiahou Mao could make no defense; so he tried to fight his way through the south gate。 There he met Wang Ping and was captured。 Those with him were slain。

Zhuge Liang entered the city of Nanan and at once forbade all plunder。 The various generals reported the deeds of valor。 The captive mander…in…Chief was placed in a prisoners cart。

Then Deng Zhi asked; 〃O Prime Minister; how did you know the treachery of Cui Liang?〃

Zhuge Liang said; 〃I knew the man was unwilling in his heart to yield; so I sent him into the city that he might have a chance to weave a counter plot with Xiahou Mao。 I saw by his manner he was treacherous; and so I sent my two trusty generals with him to give him a feeling of security。 Had he been true to me; he would have opposed this。 But he accepted it gaily and went with them lest I should suspect him。 He thought they could slay the two leaders and entice me in。 But Guan Xing and Zhang Bao already had orders of what to do。 Everything turned out as I thought; and as they did not expect。〃

The officers bowed their appreciation of his wonderful insight。

Then Zhuge Liang said; 〃I sent one of my trusty people to pretend he was a certain Pei Xu of Wei and so deceive this Cui Liang。 Then I sent another messenger to reinforce the ruse。 I also sent them to Tianshui to repeat the plan; but noth






