


〃Try again;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Go and really talk to him。〃

So the go…between soon found himself once more at the foot of the wall。

Hao Zhao presently appeared on the tower; and Jin Xiang shouted to him; 〃My worthy brother; please listen to my words while I explain clearly。 Here you are holding one single city。 How can you think of opposing one hundred thousand troops? If you do not yield; you will be sorry when it is too late。 Instead of serving the Great Han; you are serving a depraved country called Wei。 Why do you not recognize the decree of Heaven? Why do you not distinguish between the pure and the foul? Think over it。〃

Then Hao Zhao began to get really angry。 He fitted an arrow to his bow and he called out; 〃Go! Or I will shoot。 I meant what I said at first; and I will say no more。〃

Again Jin Xiang returned and reported failure to Zhuge Liang。

〃The fool is very ill…mannered;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Does he think he can beguile me into sparing the city?〃

He called up some of the local people and asked about the forces in the city。 They told him about three thousand。

〃I do not think such a small place can beat me;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Attack quickly before any reinforcements can arrive。〃

Thereupon the assailants brought up scaling ladders; upon the platforms of which ten or more men could stand。 These were surrounded by planks as protection。 The other soldiers had short ladders and ropes; and; at the beat of the drum; they attempted to scale the walls。

But when Hao Zhao saw the ladders being brought up; he made his soldiers shoot fire…arrows at them。 Zhuge Liang did not expect this。 He knew the city was not well prepared for defense; and he had had the great ladders brought up and bade the soldiers take the wall with a rush。 He was greatly chagrined when the fire arrows set his ladders on fire and so many of his soldiers were burned。 And as the arrows and stones rained down from the wall; the soldiers of Shu were forced to retire。

Zhuge Liang angrily said; 〃So you burn my ladders! Then I will use battering rams。〃

So the rams were brought and placed against the walls and again the signal given for assault。 But the defenders brought up great stones suspended by ropes; which they swung down at the battering rams and so broke them to pieces。

Next the besiegers set to work to bring up earth and fill the moat; and Liao Hua led three thousand soldiers to excavate a tunnel under the ramparts。 But Hao Zhao cut a counter…trench within the city and turned that device。

So the struggle went on for near a month; and still the city was not taken。 Zhuge Liang was very depressed。

That was not all。 The scouts reported: 〃From the east there is ing a relief force of Wei; the flags of which bears the name Wei Van Leader; General Wang Shuang 。〃

Zhuge Liang asked; 〃Who wants to go out and oppose this force?〃

Wei Yan offered himself。

〃No;〃 said Zhuge Liang; 〃you are too valuable as Leader of the Van。〃

General Xie Xiong offered his services。 They were accepted; and Xie Xiong was given three thousand troops。 After he had gone; Zhuge Liang decided to send a second force; and for mand of this General Gong Qi volunteered and was accepted。 Gong Qi also had three thousand troops。

Then Zhuge Liang feared lest there would be a sortie from the city to aid the relief force just arriving; so he led off the army seven miles and made a camp。

The first body sent against Wang Shuang had no success: Xie Xiong fell almost immediately under Wang Shuangs great sword。 The men fled and Wang Shuang pursued; and so came upon Gong Qi; who had e to support his colleague。 Gong Qi met a similar fate; being slain in the third bout。

When the defeated parties returned; Zhuge Liang was anxious and called up Liao Hua; Wang Ping; and Zhang Ni to go out to check this Wang Shuang; They went and drew up in formal array; and then Zhang Ni rode to the front。 Wang Shuang rode to meet him; and they two fought several bouts。 Then Wang Shuang ran away and Zhang Ni followed。

His colleague; Wang Ping; suspected this flight was but a ruse; so he called to Zhang Ni; 〃Do not follow the fleeing general!〃

Zhang Ni then turned; but Wang Shuang turned also and hurled one of his meteor hammers; which hit Zhang Ni in the back; so that he fell forward and lay over the saddle。 Wang Shuang rode on to follow up this advantage; but Liao Hua and Wang Ping poured out and checked him。 Wang Shuangs whole force then came on and slew many of the troops of Shu。

Zhang Ni was hurt internally and vomited blood at times。 He came back and told Zhuge Liang; saying; 〃Wang Shuang is very terrible and no one can stand up to him。 He camps outside Chencang; building a strong stockade; and so making the city with double walls and a deep moat。〃

Having lost two generals; and a third being wounded; Zhuge Liang called up Jiang Wei and said; 〃We are stopped this way。 Can you suggest another road?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Jiang Wei。 〃Chencang is too well protected and; with Hao Zhao as defender and Wang Shuang as supporter; cannot be taken。 I would propose to check Chencang by leaving a general here; who shall make a strong camp with the support of the hills。 Then try to hold the roads so that the attack from Jieting may be prevented。 Then if you will send a strong force against Qishan; I can do something which will capture Cao Zhen。〃

Zhuge Liang agreed。 He sent Wang Ping and Li Hui to hold the narrow road to Jieting; and Wei Yan was sent to guard the way from Chencang。 And then the army marched out of the Xie Valley by a small road and made for Qishan。

Now Cao Zhen still remembered bitterly that in the last campaign Sima Yi had filched from him the credit he hoped to obtain。 So when he received the mission of defending the capit






