


ley Land; and the convoy was manded by Sun Li。

〃What is known of this Sun Li?〃 asked Zhuge Liang。

A certain man of Wei replied; 〃He is a bold man。 Once he was out hunting with the Ruler of Wei on Great Rock Hill; and a tiger suddenly appeared in front of his masters chariot。 He jumped off his horse and dispatched the beast with his sword。 He was rewarded with a mandership。 He is an intimate friend of Cao Zhen。〃

〃This is a ruse;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃They know we are short of food; and those carts are only a temptation。 They are laden with bustibles。 How can they imagine that I shall be deceived by this sort of thing; when I have fought them with fire so many times? If we go to seize the convoy; they will e and raid our camp。 But I will meet ruse with ruse。〃

Then Zhuge Liang sent Ma Dai with order: 〃You and three thousand troops are to make your way to the enemys store camp and; when the wind serves; to start a fire。 When the stores are burning; the soldiers of Wei will e to surround our camp。 That is how we will provoke a battle。〃

He also sent Ma Zheng and Zhang Ni with five thousand troops each to halt near the camp so that they might attack from without。

These having gone; he called Guan Xing and Zhang Bao; and said; 〃The outermost camp of Wei is on the main road。 This night; when the enemy see a blaze; our camp will be attacked; so you two are to lie in wait on the two sides of the Wei camp and seize it when they have left。〃

Calling Hu Ban and Wu Yi; he said; 〃You are to lie in wait outside the camp to cut off the retreat of the force of Wei。〃

All these arrangements made; Zhuge Liang betook himself to a summit of the Qishan Mountains to watch the results。

The soldiers of Wei heard that their enemies were ing to seize the grain convoy and ran to tell Sun Li; who sent on a message to Cao Zhen。

Cao Zhen sent to the chief camp for Zhang Hu and Yue Chen and told them; 〃Look out for a signal blaze; that would mean the ing of the army of Shu; and then you are to raid the Shu camp immediately。〃

Zhang Hu and Yue Chen sent watchers on the tower to look out for the promised blaze。

Meanwhile Sun Li marched over and hid in the west hills to await the ing of the men of Shu。 That night; at the second watch; Ma Dai came with his three thousand troops all silent; the soldiers with gags; the horses with a lashing round their muzzles。 They saw tier after tier of carts on the hills; making an enclosure like a walled camp; and on the carts were planted many flags。

They waited。 Presently the southwest wind came up; and then they launched the fire。 Soon all the carts were in a blaze that lit up the sky。 Sun Li saw the blaze and could only conclude that the troops of Shu had arrived and his own side were giving the signal; so he dashed out to attack。 But soon two parties of soldiers were heard behind him closing in。 These were Ma Zheng and Zhang Ni; who soon had Sun Li as in a net。 Then he heard a third ominous roll of drums; which heralded the approach of Ma Dai from the direction of the blaze。

Under these several attacks; the troops of Wei quailed and gave way。 The fire grew more and more fierce。 Soldiers ran and horses stampeded; and the dead were too many to count。 Sun Li made a dash through the smoke and fire of the battle and got away。

When Zhang Hu and Yue Chen saw the fire; they threw open the gates of their camp and sallied forth to help defeat the army of Shu by seizing their camp。 But when they reached the Shu camp; they found it empty。 So they hurried to set out to return。 That was the moment for Hu Ban and Wu Yi to appear and cut off their retreat。 However; they fought bravely and got through。 But when at length they reached their own camp; they were met by arrows flying thick as locusts。 For Guan Xing and Zhang Bao had taken possession in their absence。

They could only set out for headquarters to report their mishap。 As they neared Cao Zhens camp; they met another remnant marching up。 They were Sun Lis soldiers; and the two parties went into camp together and told the tale of their victimization。 Cao Zhen thereafter looked to his defenses and attacked no more。

Thus victorious; the soldiers of Shu went to Zhuge Liang; who at once dispatched secret directions to Wei Yan。 Then Zhuge Liang gave orders to break camp and retreat。

This move was not understood; and Yang Yi asked the leader; 〃O Prime Minister; you have just scored a victory; and the enemy have lost their bravery; why retreat?〃

〃Because we are short of food;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Our success lay in swift victory; but the enemy will not fight; and thus they weaken us day by day。 Though we have worsted them now; they will soon be reinforced; and their light horse can cut off our provisions。 Then we could not retreat at all。 For a time they will not dare look at us; and we must take the occasion to do what they do not expect; and retreat。 But I am solicitous about Wei Yan; who is on the Chencang road to keep off Wang Shuang。 I fear he cannot get away。 So I have sent him certain orders to slay Wang Shuang; and then the force of Wei will not dare to pursue。〃

Therefore the retreat began; but to deceive the enemy the watchmen were left in the empty camp to beat the watches through the night。

Cao Zhen was depressed at his recent misfortune。 Then they told him Zhang He; General of the Left Army; had e。 Zhang He came up to the gate; dismounted; and entered。

When he saw Cao Zhen; he said; 〃I have received a royal mand to e and to be into your arrangements。〃

〃Did you take leave of friend Sima Yi?〃 asked Cao Zhen。

Zhang He said; 〃His said to me that if you won the field the Shu army would stay; but if you did not; the Shu army would retreat。 It seems that our side has missed success。 Have you since found out what the troops of Shu are doing?〃

〃Not yet。〃

So Cao Zhen sent out some scouts; and they found empty camps。 There were flags flying; but the army had been gone two days。 Cao Zhen was disgusted。

When Wei Yan received his secret orders; he broke up camp that night and hastened toward Hanzhong。 Wang Shuangs scouts heard this and told their chief; who hurried in pursuit。 After about seven miles; he came in sight of Wei Yans ensigns。









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








