


Fierce fires roared in the valley;

But the rain quenched them。

Had Zhuge Liangs plan but succeeded;

Where had been the Jins?

From the new camp on the north bank of the river; Sima Yi issued an order: 〃The south shore has been lost。 If any of you proposes going out to battle again; he shall be put to death!〃

Accordingly no one spoke of attacking; but all turned their energies toward defense。

Guo Huai went to the general to talk over plans。

He said; 〃The enemy have been carefully spying out the country。 They are certainly selecting a new position for a camp。〃

Sima Yi said; 〃If Zhuge Liang goes out to Wugong Hills; and thence eastward along the hills; we shall be in grave danger。 If he goes westward along River Wei; and halts on the Wuzhang Hills; we need feel no anxiety。〃

They decided to send scouts to find out the movements of their enemy。 Presently the scouts returned to say that Zhuge Liang had chosen the Wuzhang Hills。

〃Our great Emperor of Wei has remarkable fortune;〃 said Sima Yi; clapping his hand to his forehead。

Then he confirmed the order to remain strictly on the defensive till some change of circumstances on the part of the enemy should promise advantage。

After his army had settled into camp on the Wuzhang Hills; Zhuge Liang continued his attempts to provoke a battle。 Day after day; parties went to challenge the army of Wei; but they resisted all provocation。

One day Zhuge Liang put a dress made of deer hide in a box; which he sent; with a letter; to his rival。 The insult could not be concealed; so the generals led the bearer of the box to their chief。 Sima Yi opened the box and saw the deer hide dress。 Then he opened the letter; which read something like this:

〃Friend Sima Yi; although you are a mander…in…Chief and lead the armies of the Middle Land; you seem but little disposed to display the firmness and valor that would render a contest decisive。 Instead; you have prepared a fortable lair where you are safe from the keen edge of the sword。 Are you not very like a deer? Wherefore I send the bearer with a suitable gift; and you will humbly accept it and the humiliation; unless; indeed; you finally decide to e out and fight like a warrior。 If you are not entirely indifferent to shame; if you retain any of the feelings of a tiger; you will send this back to me and e out and give battle。〃

Sima Yi; although inwardly raging; pretended to take it all as a joke and smiled。

〃So he regards me as a deer;〃 said he。

He accepted the gift and treated the messenger well。 Before the messenger left; Sima Yi asked him a few questions about his masters eating and sleeping and hours of labor。

〃The Prime Minister works very hard;〃 said the messenger。 〃He rises early and retires to bed late。 He attends personally to all cases requiring punishment of over twenty of strokes。 As for food; he does not eat more than a few pints of grain daily。〃

〃Indeed; Zhuge Liang eats little and works much;〃 remarked Sima Yi to his generals。 〃Can he last long?〃

The messenger returned to his own side and reported to Zhuge Liang; saying; 〃Sima Yi took the whole episode in good part and shown no sign of anger。 He only asked about the Prime Ministers hours of rest; and food; and such things。 He said no word about military matters。 I told him that you ate little and worked long hours; and then he said; Can he last long? That was all。〃

〃He knows me;〃 said Zhuge Liang; pensively。

First Secretary Yang Yong presently ventured to remonstrate with his chief。

〃I notice;〃 said Yang Yong; 〃that you check the books personally。 I think that is needless labor for a Prime Minister to undertake。 In every administration the higher and subordinate ranks have their especial fields of activity; and each should confine his labors to his own field。 In a household; for example; the male plows and the female cooks; and thus operations are carried on without waste of energy; and all needs are supplied。 If one individual strives to attend personally to every matter; he only wearies himself and fails to acplish his end。 How can he possibly hope to perform all the various tasks well?

'e' Bing Ji was a prime minister of Western Han。 One day; while riding in his cart with attendants; they came across brawling people by the road。 He continued without concern。 They then came across a man with an water buffalo panting。 He immediately stopped to ask how long they had been traveling。 His attendants were puzzled as to why he was more concerned about an ox than injured people。 He replied that fighting was a matter for local officials; but an ox panting in early spring (if not traveling for long) suggested unusual heat; which could have disastrous results for all。 。。。。。

'e' Chen Ping (BC ?…178) a master strategist of Liu Bang。 He first served Xiang Yu but then became a follower in Liu Bangs camp。 Served as Liu Bangs prime minister and Empress Lus left minister。 After the death of Empress Lu; Chen Ping played an important role in returning royal authority to the Liu clan。 。。。。。

〃And; indeed; the ancients held this same opinion; for they said that the high officers should attend to the discussion of ways and means; and the lower should carry out details。 Of old; Bing Ji* was moved to deep thought by the panting of an ox; but inquired not about the corpses of certain brawlers which lay about the road; for this matter concerned the magistrate。 Chen Ping* was ignorant of the figures relating to taxes; for he said these were the concern of the tax controllers。 O Prime Minister; you weary yourself with minor details and sweat yourself everyday。 You are wearing yourself out; and Sima Yi has good reason for what he said。〃

〃I know………I cannot but know;〃 replied Zhuge Liang with tears in his eyes。 〃But this heavy responsibility was laid upon me; and I fear no other will be so devoted as I am。〃

Those who heard him wept。 Thereafter Zhuge Liang appeared more and more harassed; and military operations did not speed。

On the other side the officers of Wei r






