


At this time old officials like Lu Xun and Zhuge Jin were dead; and the business of the government; great and small; was in the hands of Zhuge Ke; son of Zhuge Jin。

In the first year of Grand Beginning Era (AD 251); on the first of the eighth month; a great storm passed over Wu。 The waves rose to a great height; and the water stood eight feet deep over the low…lying lands。 The pines and cypresses; which grew at the cemetery of the Imperial Ancestors of Wu; were uprooted and carried to the South Gate of Jianye; where they stuck; roots upward; in the road。

Sun Quan was frightened and fell ill。 In the early days of the next year his illness became serious; whereupon he called in Imperial Guardian Zhuge Ke and Regent Marshal Lu Dai to hear the declaration of his last wishes。 Soon after he died; at the age of seventy…one。 He had reigned for twenty…four years。 In Shu…Han calendar it was the fifteenth year of Long Enjoyment (AD 252)。

A hero; green…eyed and purple…bearded;

He called forth devotion from all。

He lorded the east without challenge

Till deaths one imperative call。

Zhuge Ke immediately placed his late lords son Sun Liang on the throne; and the opening of the new reign was marked by the adoption of the style Great Prosperity Era; the first year (AD 252)。 A general amnesty was proclaimed。 The late ruler received the posthumous style of Sun Quan the Great Emperor and was buried in Jiangling。

When these things were reported in the Wei capital; Sima Shis first thought was to attack the South Land。

But his plans were opposed by Chair of the Secretariat Fu Gu; saying; 〃Remember what a strong defense to Wu is the Great River。 The country has been many times attacked by our ancestors; but never conquered。 Rather let us all hold what we have till the time be expedient to possess the whole empire。〃

Sima Shi replied; 〃The way of Heaven changes thrice in a century; and no three…part division is permanent。 I wish to attack Wu。〃

Sima Zhao; his brother; was in favor of attack; saying 〃The occasion is most opportune。 Sun Quan is newly dead; and the present ruler is a child。〃

An expedition was decided upon。 Wang Chang; General Who Conquers the South; was sent with one hundred thousand troops against Nanjun。 Guanqiu Jian; General Who Guards the South; was given one hundred thousand troops to go against Wuchang。 Hu Zun; General Who Conquers the East; led one hundred thousand troops against Dongxing。 They marched in three divisions。 Sima Zhao was made mander…in…Chief of the campaign。

In the winter of that year; the tenth month; Sima Zhao marched the armies near to the Wu frontiers and camped。 Sima Zhao called together Wang Chang; Guanqiu Jian; Hu Zun; and various other manders to decide upon plans。

He said; 〃The county of Dongxing is most important to Wu。 They have built a great rampart; with walls right and left to defend Lake Chaohu from an attack in the rear。 You gentlemen will have to exercise extreme care。〃

Then he bade Wang Chang and Guanqiu Jian each to take ten thousand troops and place themselves right and left; but not to advance till Dongxing had been captured。 When that city had fallen; these two were to go forward at the same time。 Hu Zun was to lead the van。 The first step was to construct a floating bridge to storm the rampart。 The two walls should then be captured。

News of the danger soon came to Wu; and Zhuge Ke called a council to take measures。

Then said Ding Feng; General Who Pacifies the North; 〃Dongxing is of the utmost importance as its loss would endanger Wuchang。〃

〃I agree with you;〃 said Zhuge Ke。 〃You say just what I think。 You should lead three thousand marines up the river in thirty ships; while on land Lu Ju; Tang Zi; and Liu Zang will follow in three directions with ten thousand troops each。 The signal for the general attack will be a cluster of bombs。〃

Ding Feng received the mand; and; with three thousand marines and thirty battleships; he sailed in the Great River to Dongxing。

Hu Zun; the Van Leader of Wei; crossed on the floating bridge; took and camped on the rampart。 He then sent Huan Jia and Han Zong to assault the left and right flanking forts; which were held by the Wu Generals Quan Yi and Liu Lue。 These forts had high walls and strong; and made a good resistance; so that the Wei force could not overe。 But Quan Yi and Liu Lue dared not venture out to attack so strong a force as was attacking them。

Hu Zun made a camp at Xutang。 It was then the depth of winter and intensely cold。 Heavy snow fell。 Thinking that no warlike operations were possible in such weather; Hu Zun and his officers made a great feast。

In the midst of the feasting came one to report: 〃Thirty ships are ing in the river。〃

Hu Zun went out to look and saw them e into the bank。 He made out a hundred troops on each。

As they were so few; he returned to the feast and told his officers; 〃Only three thousand sailors。 There is nothing to be alarmed at。〃

Giving orders to keep a careful watch; they all returned to enjoy themselves。

Ding Fengs ships were all drawn up in line。 Then he said to his officers; 〃Today there is indeed a grand opportunity for a brave soldier to distinguish himself。 W






