


Then Jiang Wei said to his officers; 〃The attack of Deng Ai was a feint。 He has certainly gone to relieve Qishan。〃

So Jiang Wei decided to go to the aid of Zhang Yi。 He left Fu Qian to guard the camp; and he marched away with three thousand troops。

Zhang Yi was then actually attacking the Wei position on Qishan。 Shi Zuan had few troops; and it looked as though the defenders must soon give in; when the sudden appearance of Deng Ai made all the difference。 The onslaught of Deng Ais force drove off Zhang Yi; and he was forced to take refuge behind the hills。 No road was open to him。 When things looked worst; he saw the Wei soldiers suddenly falling back in confusion。

〃General Jiang Wei has e!〃 they told him。

Zhang Yi took the opportunity to return to the attack; and the tables were turned。 Deng Ai lost the fight and retired into his camp; which Jiang Wei surrounded and attacked vigorously。

In Chengdu the Latter Ruler fell daily more and more under the malign influence of Huang Hao; who encouraged him in every form of self…indulgence and ministered to every desire for luxury and dissipation。 Government was left to look after itself。

At that time High Minister Liu Yang had a very beautiful wife; Lady Hu。 One day she went into the Palace to visit the Empress; who kept her there a whole month。 Liu Yang was not without suspecting an intrigue with the Latter Ruler and took a brutal revenge。 He bound Lady Hu; and made five hundred of his soldiers shame her to the last degree by beating her on the face with their boots。 She swooned many times。

The story got to the ears of the Latter Ruler; and he ordered the officials concerned to investigate and decide the crime and its punishment。

The judges found that: 〃Soldiers are not proper persons to administer a punishment to a woman; and the face is not a portion of the body to be mortified: The author of this crime ought to be put to death。〃

Wherefore Liu Yang was beheaded。

As time went on the Latter Ruler indulged in unbridled sensuality; and gradually all good people left the government; giving place to the meanest; who soon swarmed there。

Among the sycophants of Huang Hao was Yan Yun; General of the Right Army; whose lack of merit had not stood in the way of preferment。

Hearing of Jiang Weis defeats at Qishan; Yan Yun got his friend Huang Hao to propose to the Latter Ruler; saying; 〃Jiang Wei should be recalled as he has not been able to score a decisive victory。 Yan Yun can be sent to replace him。〃

The Latter Ruler agreed; and the edict was issued。

One day; as Jiang Wei was working out his plan of attack on the camps of Wei; three edicts came; all to the same effect; recalling him to the capital。 Disobedience being out of the question; Jiang Wei ceased all operations and sent the Taoyang force back first。 Then gradually he and Zhang Yi withdrew with the others。

Deng Ai in his camp wondered at the rolling of drums one night; but next day he heard that the Shu camps were empty。 However; he suspected some ruse and did not pursue。

Arrived in Hanzhong; the army halted; and Jiang Wei went on to the capital in pany with the messenger who had brought his orders。 Here he waited ten days; and still the Latter Ruler held no court。 He began to suspect mischief。

One day near a Palace gate he met Secretary General Xi Zheng; and asked; 〃Do you know the reason for my recall?〃

〃What General! Do you not know? Huang Hao wanted to push Yan Yun into favor; so he intrigued for your recall。 Now they have found out Deng Ai is too clever to be tackled; and so they are not fighting any more。〃

〃I shall certainly have to put this eunuch fellow out of the way;〃 said Jiang Wei。

〃Hush! You are the successor of the Martial Lord; Zhuge Liang; the man to whom he bequeathed his unfinished task。 You are too important to act hastily or indiscreetly。 If the Emperor withdrew his support; it would go ill with you。〃

〃Sir; what you say is true;〃 replied Jiang Wei。

However; soon after this Jiang Wei; with a small party; got into the Palace。 The Latter Ruler was enjoying himself with Huang Hao in the gardens。 They told Huang Hao; who at once hid himself among the rocks by a pond。

Jiang Wei approached his master and prostrated himself; saying; 〃Why did Your Majesty recall me? I had the enemy in my power at Qishan when the triple edicts came。〃

The Latter Ruler hummed and hawed; but made no reply。 Then Jiang Wei began his real grievance。

'e' Zhang Rang was one of the Ten Regular Attendants。 Zhang Rang won such influence that Emperor Ling called him 〃Foster Father〃。 Zhang Rang plotted the murder of He Jin; that caused Dong Zhou to seize the capital。 (chapter 3)

'e' Zhao Gao a court eunuch serving the First Emperor。 Zhao Gao killed the eldest son and supported the second son for the throne after the First Emperors death (BC 209)。 In the final days of Qin Dynasty; Zhao Gao killed the Second Emperor and placed the First Emperors grandson on the throne (BC 206)。 。。。。。

〃This Huang Hao is wicked and artful and seems to have the last say in everything。 The times of the Emperor Ling and the Ten Regular Attendants have returned。 Your Majesty may recall Zhang Rang* recently or Zhao Gao* in the old time。 If you will only slay this man; the court will be purified; and you may return gloriously to the home of your fathers。〃

The Latter Ruler smiled; saying; 〃Huang Hao is but a minor servant; one who runs errands for me。 If he tried to do as you say; he could not。 I always wondered why Dong Yun seemed to hate poor Huang Hao so much。 Now you are the same。 I pray you; Noble Sir; take no notice of him。〃

〃Unless Your Majesty gets rid of him; evil is very close;〃 said Jiang Wei; beating his head upon the ground。

The Latter Ruler replied; 〃If you love anyone; you want him to live; if you dislike him; you desire his death。 Can you not bear with my one poor eunuch?〃

The Latter Ruler bade one of the attendants go and call Huang Hao。 When Huang Hao approached the pavilion; the Latter Ruler told him to ask pardon of Jiang Wei。

Huang Hao prostrated himself and wept; saying; 〃I am always in attendance upon the Sacred One………that is all I d






