


〃What! Are you afraid of thunder?〃 said Cao Cao。

Liu Bei replied; 〃The Sage One paled at a sudden peal of thunder or fierce gust of wind。 Why should one not fear?〃

Thus he glossed over the real fact; that it was the words he had heard that had so startled him。

Constrained to lodge in a tigers lair;

He played a waiting part;

But when Cao Cao talked of breaking humans;

Then terror gripped his heart。

But he cleverly used the thunder peal

As excuse for turning pale;

O quick to seize occasions thus!

He surely must prevail。

The shower had passed; and there appeared two men rushing through the garden; both armed。 In spite of the attendants; they forced their way to the pavilion where sat the two friends。 They were Guan Yu and Zhang Fei。

The two brothers had been outside the city at archery practice when Cao Caos invitation had e so peremptorily。 On their return they heard that two officers had arrived and led away Liu Bei to the Prime Minister。 They hastened to his palace and were told their brother was with his host in the grounds; and they feared something had happened。 So they rushed in。

Now when they saw their brother quietly talking with Cao Cao and enjoying a cup of wine; they took up their usual places and meekly stood waiting。

〃Why did you e?〃 said Cao Cao。

〃We heard that you; Sir; had invited our brother to a wine party; and we came to amuse you with a little sword play;〃 said they。

'e' At that time Liu Bang; Governor of Pei; and Xiang Yu; King of West Chu; were fighting Qin under the Chu banner。 Liu Bang was the first mander who entered Qins capital; Xianyang。 The loss of this honor enraged Xiang Yu; and he was set to attack Liu Bangs force。 But his uncle Xiang Ba wanted to mediate the situation; and Xiang Ba invited Liu Bang to visit Xiang Yus camp in Hongmen。 During a banquet at Hongmen; Xiang Yus adviser Fan Zeng ordered Xiang Chang to perform a sword…dance and take the chance to kill Liu Bang。 However; as Xiang Chang closed in Liu Bang; Xiang Ba rose to perform another sword…dance and fend off the attack。 Just then Liu Bangs general Fan Kuai bursted in; armed and angry…looking。 Fan Kuai proclaimed his lords achievements and denounced the murder plot。 In the confusion; Liu Bang slipped away and rushed back to his camp。 。。。。。

〃This is not a Hongmen Banquet;〃 replied Cao Cao。 〃What use have we for Xiang Chang and Xiang Ba of old?*〃

Liu Bei smiled。 The host ordered wine to be served to the two 〃Fan Kuais〃 to allay their anxiety and; soon after; the three took their leave and returned homeward。

〃We were nearly frightened to death;〃 said Guan Yu。

The story of the dropped chopsticks was told。 The two asked what their brother intended by his actions。

〃My learning gardening was to convince Cao Cao of my perfect simplicity and the absence of any ambition。 But when he suddenly pointed to me as one of the heroes; I was startled; for I thought he had some suspicions。 Happily the thunder at that moment supplied the excuse I wanted。〃

〃Really you are very clever;〃 said they。

Next day Cao Cao again invited Liu Bei and while the two were drinking; Man Chong; who had been dispatched to find out what Yuan Shao was doing; came to present his report。

Man Chong said; 〃Gongsun Zan has been pletely defeated by Yuan Shao。〃

〃Do you know the details? I should like to know how;〃 interrupted Liu Bei。

〃They were at war; and Gongsun Zan got the worst of it; so he acted on the defensive; building a high wall about his army and on that erecting a high tower; which he called the Yijing Tower。 Therein he placed all his grain; one hundred thousand carts total; and took up his own quarters。 His fighting troops passed in and out without ceasing; some going out to give battle; others returning to rest。 One of them was surrounded and sent to ask Gongsun Zan to rescue him。 Gongsun Zan said; If I rescue him; hereafter everyone will want to be helped and will not exert himself。 So Gongsun Zan did not go。 This disgusted his soldiers; and many deserted to the enemy so that his army diminished。 He sent letters to the capital to crave help; but the messenger was captured。 He sent to Zhang Yan to arrange with him for a two…pronged joint attack; and those letters with the plans also fell into Yuan Shaos hands。 The plans were adopted by Yuan Shao; who gave the signals agreed upon。 Thus Gongsun Zan fell into an ambush; lost heavily; and retreated into the city。 There he was besieged; and a subterranean passage was pierced into the tower where he lodged。 The tower was set on fire; and Gongsun Zan could not escape。 So he slew his wife and little ones and hanged himself。 The flames destroyed the bodies of the whole family。

〃Yuan Shao has added the remnants of the vanquished army to his own and so bee yet stronger。 His brother Yuan Shu in the South of River Huai; however; has bee so arrogant and cruel that the people have turned against him。 Then Yuan Shu had sent to say he would yield the title of Emperor; which he had assumed; in favor of Yuan Shao。 Yuan Shao demanded the Imperial Hereditary Seal also; and Yuan Shu promised to bring it in person。 Now Yuan Shu has abandoned River Huai and is about to move to the North of Yellow River。 If he succeeded; the two brothers will control adjoining regions and be dangerous。〃

It was a sad story; and Liu Bei remembered with sorrow that; in the days of success and prosperity; the dead chieftain; Gongsun Zan; had pushed his interest and shown him much kindness。 Moreover he was anxious to know the fate of Zhao Yun。

In his heart he thought; 〃What better chance am I likely to get of setting myself free?〃

So Liu Bei rose and said to Cao Cao; 〃If Yuan Shu goes over to join his brother; he will surely pass through Xuzhou。 I beg you to give me an army with which to smite him on the way。 That will finish Yuan Shu。〃

〃Memorialize the Emperor tomorrow; and I will give you an army;〃 said Cao Cao。

So next day Liu Bei went to an audience; and Cao Cao gave him mand of fifty thousand horse and foot; and sent Generals Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao with him。

At parting with Liu Bei; the Emperor shed tears。

As soon as Liu Bei reached his lodging; he set about preparat






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