


As one who died to save his forbears shame。

With grievous mien and falling tears he bowed

His head; declaring his intent to die。

While such a memory lingers none may say

That the Han Dynasty has perished。

When the Latter Ruler knew of the death of his son; he sent people to bury him。

Soon the main body of the Wei army came。 The Latter Ruler and all his courtiers to the number of sixty went out three miles from the north gate to bow their heads in submission; the Latter Ruler binding himself with cord and taking a coffin with him。 But Deng Ai with his own hands loosened the bonds and raised the Latter Ruler from the ground。 The coffin was burned。 Then the victorious leader and the vanquished Emperor returned into the city side by side。

Weis legions entered Shu;

And the ruler thereof saved his life

At the price of his honor and his throne。

Huang Haos vicious counsels had brought disaster

Against which Jiang Weis efforts were vain。

How bright shone the loyalty of the faithful one!

How noble was the grandson of the First Ruler!

Alas! It led him into the way of sorrow。

And the plans of the First Ruler;

Excellent and far…reaching。

Whereby he laid the foundations of a mighty state;

Were brought to nought in one day。

The mon people rejoiced at the magnanimity of Deng Ai; and met the returning cavalcade with burning incense and flowers。 The title of General of the Flying Cavalry was given to the Latter Ruler and other ranks were given to the ministers who had surrendered。

Deng Ai requested the Latter Ruler to issue one more proclamation from the Palace to reassure the people; and then the conquerors took formal possession of the state and its granaries and storehouses。 Two officers………Governor of Yizhou Zhang Shao and Minister Zhang Jung………were sent into the counties and territories to explain the new situation and pacify malcontents; and another messenger was sent to exhort Jiang Wei to yield peaceably。 A report of the success was sent to Capital Luoyang。

Huang Hao; the eunuch whose evil counsels had wrought such ruin to his master; was looked upon as a danger; and Deng Ai decided to put him to death。 However; Huang Hao was rich; and he gave bribes to Deng Ais people; and so he escaped the death penalty。

Thus perished the House of Han。 Reflecting on its end a poet recalled the exploits of Zhuge Liang the Martial Lord; and he wrote a poem。

The denizens of tree…tops; apes and birds;

Most lawless of crested things; yet knew

And feared his mordant pen。 The clouds and winds

Conspired to aid him to defend his lord。

But nought awaited the leaders precepts; wise









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








